Anyway this week was normal for Hna Amaya and me. Or in other words, it was crazy, full of ups-and-downs, seeing some people excited and loving us and others getting down or mad at us or mad at the church. The highlight (not sure if that's the correct word but whatever) was when a man started reciting poetry to me in the bus terminal. The situation was a little bit uncomfortable seeing as everyone in the bus terminal heard and saw everything. Sadly for this man, I have to lock my heart so...the only thing I could do was just laugh. I wanted to at least invite him to church but I couldn't get a word out because when I tried to open my mouth just laughter came out. That seemed kind of rude so we tried to walk away. That's pretty hard when you're waiting in a specific place for someone to come get you. The good news is it looks like this eating-healthy thing is working!
Well, I just want you all to know that this week, more than ever, I love my Savior. We watched the video about his life (can't remember what it's called in English) in Relief Society and I just cried the whole time. I have really come to know that He lives and knows me. He came here knowing that he was going to suffer more than any other person and he did it. It helped me remember that I shouldn't get discouraged if a problem doesn't get resolved right away. I love Him and I know He loves me and all of you.
Do good things this week!
Love, Hermana Glazier
Photos: magic towel from this huge Chinese store here, America clothes! (don't judge me for not wearing shoes - they got all wet and I was freezing)
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