That was the title of my mom's email this week and I love it so much I'm repeating it!
It's true - there's so much good in the world that sometimes I just can't help but sing! I basically am always singing something quietly. Even if I can only have hymns and EFY music, I'm still a music junkie at heart!
Something that I've been trying to master my whole time here is this - thinking positively. That's the key to everything we do here - a positive way of thinking. Believing people are going to say yes. Believing that it's worth it going out that door. Feeling like someone is actually listening as we pray. Knowing that someone really WILL be blessed if they act on our words. And sometimes just smiling and saying "yeah, I'm doing great!" even though you're 1000000000000% exhausted.
This doesn't mean just hoping or saying these things are true without having any reason to and then doing nothing to make it true afterwards. Sometimes being well means admitting you aren'twell so you can get well. Or instead of just assuming someone's listening to our prayers, askingif someone's really there and then looking for the answer. Thinking positively isn't ignoring problems, it's recognizing they exist but finding the solution and believing it will work.
I'm not really sure what to say about this week...I don't have a single picture! Uh-oh. I'm having one of those "old-in-the-mission" moments. It's interesting, this has actually been happening a lot - I'm more forgetful these days. I keep accidentally leaving things everywhere. I left my agenda in a member's house, then I left my agenda, Book of Mormon, and cell phone in the pharmacy (luckily the lady was nice and ran out and gave it to me), and right now my running shoes are still waiting for me in the mission office - left them there after a zone activity. My trainer used to do the same thing ALWAYS. It's weird - It's like noticing as you get older how you're becoming more like your parents.
As far as the work goes...we're teaching 2 Mexican girls in our ward - one's a recent convert and her roommate has a baptismal date for this month. It's so weird how different their accent is from a Chilean one! I still don't understand a lot of things they say. I hope I can still use my Spanish after the mission and learn all those little things that vary from country to country. Speaking of that, I'm determined to learn more languages after the mission! I LOVE knowing another language and I feel like it's something I should keep expanding.
Well, I hope everything's going well over there in the land of United States. I feel very, very disconnected from any and everything new and I sometimes forget that the world hasn't just been on pause for over a year. I'm determined to enjoy my time here while I can - it's kind of great not worrying about anything outside.
Much love -
Hermana Glazier