Monday, July 28, 2014


 Well. This week I learned a little bit more Spanish, tried a new dessert, saw a miracle (being able to eat the biggest plate of mashed potatoes I have seen in my life so as not to offend an important member of the branch), saw lots more miracles (arriving just when someone needs us), had a mini-cambio in which we went to a member's house way out in the campo (farmlands, country, don't know exactly how to translate it), and more!
We did lots of service this week, but only because the Elders are good enough to invite us. I think that everyone thinks Hermanas can't do service because we're delicate or we always wear skirts or something. Who knows. The point is, we got to the house where we were going to paint with a less active member, and she said "oh, hermanas, you're not going to paint too, are you?" and we said "uh, yes, of course!" I was thinking "why on earth would I be here in my sweats right now if I wasn't going to paint your house?" but whatever. After suggesting that maybe we could just help her in the kitchen, she let us paint too. I'm starting to understand why it was hard to find service opportunities in Cauquenes, where there were 4 sisters and no Elders...
Okay, the reason this email is entitled "Classic" is because of the classic-ness of our weekend here. We were basically walking around in the rain the whole weekend knocking on doors without much success. It was actually fun because it wasn't tooooo cold. There was one moment where I just felt like such a classic missionary. We were walking through about 7 inch-deep water that had flooded the street, looking for people to talk to to meet our goal of contacts for the week (we needed 3 more) and there was no one around, and we only had about 10 minutes left before it was time to go home. As we started thinking about which way we could go, where there might be someone outside (pretty rare on a rainy Sunday night), every dog in the street started barking at us. I wanted to shout "Yeaaaaaah the mission!!!" but I did want to wake anyone up so I just kind of half-shouted it. Oh how the mission has changed me (previous me would have just shouted it).

Anyway the thing I'm learning here is how to see the positive. There's nothing that lasts forever. For example in a few more months I will be dying of heat, and my clothes will probably be wet with sweat instead of rainwater. (Poor clothes, when will the ever be dry?). But it doesn't matter. I don't have to think very hard to see all the blessings and good things. For example, I have great boots that kept my feet warm and dry until the very end when water was splashing over the top (couldn't handle the 7-inch deep thing). Also, we contacted lots of great people that we have appointments with for other days. We also have a firm resolve to try new things to avoid having the same situation happen again. Also, at the very least I can say I had these classic mission experiences of walking for hours in the pouring rain. Sometimes I just remember, whoah, I'm actually a missionary! Yes! And the time passes too fast. Whatever, gotta keep working and nothing else.
Love you all, remember that there's a time for everything - work and play, study and sleep (sometimes not enough time), etc. If you haven't been, go back and read the May General Conference. That's been awesome for me this week. Also, the Book of Mormon! I fiished it about a week ago (first time in Spanish woot!) and I'm starting again now. We have a goal in the Relief Society here to read it all the way through before the end of the year. I'll be giving updates about that. Anyone who cares to join, read with me! And tell me what things you're reading and loving. Oh that book. Changes my life every day.
Love you all, 
Hermana Glazier

Monday, July 21, 2014

Quillón, Valle del Sol

That means "Valley of the Sun". I thought I was going to Chillán, the big city. Nope. I'm in the pueblito Quillón. It's a little town an hour outside of Chillán, but it pertains to that zone. It's GORGEOUS. 

I feel like the nickname of this town, Valley of the Sun, kind of explains what Quillón is for me. It's the sunny days after a lot of storms. It's rained a few times here but I'm not talking about weather. The last few months have been kind of crazy - physically, mentally, and emotionally. I wouldn't trade those experiences for the world, but I'm so happy to be here. I love Cauquenes and it's people so much but a change was overdue. I feel very at peace here with Hna Arndt (also from Utah woohoo!) and Quillón is an excellent place. We had some normal mission challenges this week - broken toilet, having to break into our own house (the lock is soooooooooo temperamental), walking around for 3 days straight without finding any new people to teach, having some uncomfortable food experiences (too much, weird stuff, etc), having a lunch appointment waaaaay far away over the river and through the woods, and basically no one we visited showed up to church. But at this point none of that even phased me. I have reached a point where mission life is 100% normal now. It didn't take me too long to "get used" to being in Chile, but I'm reaching a new level. Like, America stuff is weird now. I have changed in so many ways. Being here with another Hermana who doesn't know very much Spanish and changing areas made me realize how much I have learned. 

I'm feeling great. Tired, but excited. Not like a crazy excited that wears off in a couple hours - a real love for the work that grows deeper every day. I have never been so exhausted in my life but I also have seen how the Lord is strengthening me. There are times when I literally would not be able to keep doing this alone, and I have learned for myself that I really am not alone. 

I hope you're all enjoying your summer vacation in the states! I sure am enjoying my winter-work-time here in S.America! (it's not even that cold anyway). Love you all!

Hermana Glazier

Photos: service with a family that lives in the "campo"

activity with young women - we made peanut butter cookies! Weren't quite as good as normal because brown sugar doesn't exist here but still good.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


This week was a little eeeeerie. We heard various rumors of two missionaries from a different church that are also working here in Cauquenes. There are always other missionaries, yes, but this time it's different. One's blonde one's Latina and they have nametags like ours! Some of the members have seen them and know who they are but I've never met them. A lot of people have asked us if we're from the same church as they are and we never knew who they were talking about until now. People would say "yeah other girls visited me the other day" and we would ask "oh, one from Ecuador and one from Columbia?" and they would say "no, una rubia y una morenita" ("a blonde and a dark-haired"). Now we understand! I just want to meet them because honestly, it freaks me out that people think we're the same. Honestly feelin' like the Twilight Zone these days.

Well in other news, TRANSFERS. After almost 6 months in Cauquenes I'm going to Chillán! I will have my first American companion. Not gonna lie, I'm a little nervous about the whole neither-one-a-native-spanish-speaker thing, and not to mention the only time I ever went to Chillán we got hopelessly lost, but I know it'll be great. It's a good time for a change. I love love love Cauquenes but being far away from civilization for too long does things to your mind. 

Well, in the next couple days I should be finishing the Book of Mormon for the first time in Spanish! It took me a long time because I never focused too much on reading straight through - in study time I'm always studying other stuff. But I'm excited to be able to say that I have read the whole thing in Spanish. And let me tell you, the mission really helps a girl understand the scriptures more deeply. The Book of Mormon never gets old!

Love you all, next week news from CHILLÁN!

Love, Hermana Glazier


Travels to doctor in Concepción...again. Cauquenes needs a mission doctor especially for this woman
We decided to contact everyone in the bus instead of losing all that travel time so there I am, with the last pamphlet after a day of being on the verge of serious carsickness. 
All the people watching the world cup in the bus terminal
I finished my knit skirt! ... almost. Needs a slight adjustment...
Old agenda new agenda, the obvious reminder of how fast the time goes!
San Alfonso - the Catholic church that we have predicted will one day be a temple.

Hermana Glazier sneaking in on a Catholic procession...

Monday, July 7, 2014

Let's Not Talk About America

4th of July in another country. How depressing. The only thing we did to celebrate was wear red, white, and blue, and even that didn't work out too well because after lunch I changed into a more rain-friendly skirt and my clothes were hidden by my coat anyway. We were going to make an American-flag cake but didn't have time. We had a zone training and sang the Star-Spangled Banner as the opening hymn, but that was even depressing because all of the missionaries who are not from the states were like what the heck what racism (not really but I felt kinda super-nationalist afterwards). Guys, I love America so much. I love Chile so much too because, obviously, this is my mission. I love the people and the culture and I'm used to all the things that once shocked me. But we are going to have to celebrate the 4th DOUBLE next year, okay?
Anyway this week was normal for Hna Amaya and me. Or in other words, it was crazy, full of ups-and-downs, seeing some people excited and loving us and others getting down or mad at us or mad at the church. The highlight (not sure if that's the correct word but whatever) was when a man started reciting poetry to me in the bus terminal. The situation was a little bit uncomfortable seeing as everyone in the bus terminal heard and saw everything. Sadly for this man, I have to lock my heart so...the only thing I could do was just laugh. I wanted to at least invite him to church but I couldn't get a word out because when I tried to open my mouth just laughter came out. That seemed kind of rude so we tried to walk away. That's pretty hard when you're waiting in a specific place for someone to come get you. The good news is it looks like this eating-healthy thing is working!
Well, I just want you all to know that this week, more than ever, I love my Savior. We watched the video about his life (can't remember what it's called in English) in Relief Society and I just cried the whole time. I have really come to know that He lives and knows me. He came here knowing that he was going to suffer more than any other person and he did it. It helped me remember that I shouldn't get discouraged if a problem doesn't get resolved right away. I love Him and I know He loves me and all of you. 

Do good things this week!

Love, Hermana Glazier

Photos: magic towel from this huge Chinese store here, America clothes! (don't judge me for not wearing shoes - they got all wet and I was freezing)