I chose that title because this Thanksgiving passed like any other day. I thought it couldn't get any less eventful than last year, but apparently it can! As I was eating my carbonada (typical Chilean beef and noodle soup) at lunch ton Thursday, I suddenly remembered that it was thanksgiving. I mentioned it and everybody just said "Oh yeah, that's cool," and we carried on. I didn't feel bad though in all honesty, because EVERY day is like Thanksgiving here! 1. sometimes the food portions are VERY LARGE and 2. I'm constantly and eternally grateful to be here. No matter how much I complain about being tired or how strong the sun is or whatever else, I really do love this place and these people. And most of all, I love talking about the Savior every chance I get.
That's why I LOVE the new video the Church is using this Christmas season. If you haven't heard of it yet, go to
http://www.mormon.org/christmas to watch it. We as missionaries have been invited to use this video in all of our efforts this month. I love it and it's a message that we all can relate to. There's nothing like the mission to make you realize how unimportant the gifts and out-of-control commercialization are at this time. I love focusing on the greatest gift any of us will ever receive. I'm thankful that in my family we always focused on that and that we always did something as a family to serve our neighbors or help out other people and that we always read the Christmas story from the scriptures. Keep up that focus this year and it'll be 100% more enjoyable!
Well, my last piece of news is that we have had an onfortunate occurence here in Collao. This morning I pulled my sheets and blankets off my bed in one large swoop and threw them in the washer without checking to see if any items had gone unnoticed. As were about to go out the door I asked Hermana Corbett to call me because I couldn't find my phone. She said that it didn't ring - it was just turned off. That's weird, I thought, because I had just charged it yesterday. As I went into the kitchen I heard a clunking noise in the washer. In that moment I knew what I had done. I always make fun of people for making those dumb kind of errors and think to myself "how can you just not take care of your stuff like that!" and yet here I am. It's what I get for making fun of people. We'll see if the classic rice-drying method will restore it or if I'll just have to pay for a new phone. Haha I'm so embarrassed.
Have a great week, love you all!
Hermana Glazier